UE5 Data Validation Intro


When working in a bigger team and the asset count keeps growing it can be useful to have automated pipelines to ensure that assets are following project wide conventions.

Take these audio related use cases for example:

Unreal Engine ships with the Data Validation Plugin, which is enabled by default.


In it's simplest use case, it allows to create custom asset validators by creating an Editor Utility Blueprint (EUW) that derives from EditorValidatorBase.

Additionally you can also create these in Python and C++, and any UObject derived class can override a virtual IsDataValid method to perform validation checks on private/protected class properties.

In this article we're going to create a simple Blueprint based validator. For subsequent articles I will be tackling python and C++.

Asset Validation can be invoked on a per asset basis, an entire folder from the content browser or via the following commandlet:

> UnrealEditor-Cmd.exe <PROJECT_NAME>.uproject -run=DataValidation

NOTE: For the following example we'll be using the Lyra Starter Game

Creating a Editor Utility Blueprint Validator

Our simple validator will check if SoundBase derived asset has a valid SoundClass.

First we need to create an EditorUtilityWidget that derives from EditorDataValidatorBase. For simplicity, lets name it BP_SoundBase_Validator.


In our Blueprint there are 3 functions we need to override.



CanValidate controls for which use case the data validator will run.

You can just return true to have it run always or select specific use cases.

For demonstration purposes this validator will run when Manual validation is performed using the context menu, via the Commandlet and on Save.



CanValidateAsset controls for which asset types this validator should run. We take the InAsset and cast it to SoundBase, you can right click the regular cast to node and convert it to a pure cast to get a boolean success result we can plug into the return node.


NOTE: This is just a very basic example, you could for instance use the get asset path node on the InAsset and restrict a validator to only run in a certain sub-folder of your project.


Finally, in ValidateLoadedAsset we implement the actual data validation procedure.

In our simple example we again cast the InAsset to SoundBase then we get the SoundClass and check if it is valid.

NOTE: It's important that every execution path calls either AssetPasses, AssetFails or AssetWarning before returning the validation result!


NOTE: Blueprint and C++ validators get registered with the DataValidation Subsystem automatically, but require an editor restart before they start working.

After restarting the editor we can test the validator by selecting any SoundBase derived assets like SoundWave, SoundCue or MetaSound or folder in the content browser and running Asset Actions -> ValidatAssets or Validate Assets in Folder from the context menu.

NOTE: This is just a very simple example. It's up to you to identify the areas of your project where validation can be useful.

One important thing to keep in mind is to keep error messages useful, so your team members know how to fix issues that surfaced by the validation.

Otherwise you run the risk of adding unnecessary friction to the iteration process of your team!
